science experiment

Our Science Experiment

Hypothesis: Penny & Lee (P&L) silk+viscose copper pillowcases will have little to no microbial growth after 1 week of daily usage.

Each pillowcase was swabbed and Samples were collected by thoroughly swabbing each pillowcase with its own sterile cotton swab. The sterile cotton swab was first moistened with a freshly opened bottled water then each part of the cotton swab was rubbed against each pillowcase ensuring well collected samples. A sample taken of the driveway was the positive control. (Prior to sampling all the pillowcases were laundered before use.)


Each of the samples collected were smeared onto their own Petri dishes, then covered with a plastic lid, and put into a controlled environment. The environment was a plastic container with a lid and a lamp over it to keep the optimum temperature for microbial growth between 70-85 degrees fahrenheit.
Observation was done each day for the next 3 days.


Day 0 was the day for sample collection. Day 1 had noticeable growth on samples of the driveway and microfiber pillowcase. Minor growth on the silk pillowcase, and no obvious growth on the silk copper pillowcase. Day 2 more growth on driveway, microfiber, and silk, there was still no obvious growth on P&L silk copper pillowcase. By day 3 there was a significant amount of growth for the driveway. The silk and microfiber pillowcases had moderate amounts of growth. The P&L silk copper had a very little amount of microbial growth.


P&L silk + viscose copper pillowcases have antimicrobial effects. This can help reduce the spread of bacteria and other microbes on the pillowcases.
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